“Look to unto me in every thought; Doubt not, Fear not.” D&C 6:36

Monday, October 18, 2010

To all Young Single Adults.


As you should now be aware, Convention is only a few weeks away (=


We have tried our best to make the registration process as smooth as possible. We have also posted a list below of all those that have successfully registered. Please check the website to confirm that you, and those in your ward that you know are coming, have successfully registered. If there are any that have sent their forms in but their names are not on the list, please contact us as soon as possible to sort these issues out (evenings usually best to call). Please NOTE that accommodation is full, thus we cannot accept any more late registrations.


For those that are flying down and have requested transport from the airport to convention and return, please take note of the transport times below.
Please also be aware that transport times are limited, and we will not be able to cater for people landing or departing at times other than those specified.

Booking Flights to Cape Town
In order for us to accommodate your request for transport, you need need to LAND on Friday afternoon no later than 5pm. The transport from the airport to the convention will depart at 5.30pm. Should anyone need transport after this time, you will need to contact us directly to see if we can arrange something.

Booking Return Flights
In order for us to get you back to the airport on time, you should book flights no earlier than 5pm (ANYTIME AFTER 5pm) on Sunday the 28th or Monday the 29th, depending on the duration of your stay.

Once you have booked your flights, please forward us your flight details promptly, so that we can book the necessary buses. Also know that we cannot be held accountable for people missing their flights, but we are confident that it will now happen.

Note that transport is only available for those who have selected this option on their registration forms, and who have paid the additional R80 transport costs. NO ASSISTANCE will be given to those on the day unless prearranged.


The good news is we have 400 people registered for convention, The bad news is that for those who have not yet registered, we are unfortunately full. Also, there are only enough bungalows to accommodate 230 people, so all the ladies and chaperons are guaranteed a bungalow, but as for the men, we will be sleeping in 3 man tents with comfy mattresses. Please note that we will be spending most of our time outdoors, and the tents will merely be a place to sleep. If you would be more comfortable on a bed in the tent, than just a mattress, the facilities manager will be able to provide you with one. But if there still are any genuine problems with these arrangements, please get back to us as soon as possible.


We can only do so much when feeding 400 people. For those that have special dietary needs, we cannot provide alternative meals, but would be happy to forward you a copy of the menu so that you can prepare yourself. Please e-mail us to request the menu


By submitting your signed application form, you and your Bishop / Branch President, have acknowledged that you have paid in full for the convention. If you have not yet paid your funds into the Ward or Branch, please pay before the end of October. That is when the Cape Town Stake will request the tranforer of funds from your Stake into the Cape Town Stake.

We are looking forward to having an awesome convention together.
If there are any concerns, feel free to contact us, and we will try our best to accommodate.


Rocco and Kathryn
CT Stake Reps

072 191 2294 - dupmail@gmail.com
083 522 7100 - kathryn.lee.mo@gmail.com

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